Our coaching system gives clarity and confidence to players on their journey towards making their dream team.
“Level Up” your game through our 4 Ringed 16 Leveled system. Progress is tracked and measured through Teamnsnap. Players are given a score (example: 5/16 levels) so they can tangibly see their progress over time.
Our coaches use this systematic approach to hone in on each players strengths and weaknesses so they can reach their potential.

“If it can be measured it can be improved”
The Four Rings
Ring 1: Circles I.Q.
Understanding the systems and strategies allow players to approach the game like playing a chess match. To help reach this intelligent level of play, all members must pass the 4 written tests and confirm they have the volleyball I.Q. to win at the highest percentage. Click the word to take the test. A score of 95% completes the level.
- Level 1 – Biomechanics
- Level 2 – Systems
- Level 3 – Strategy
- Level 4 – Flow
Ring 2: Tournaments
Tournament play is the quickest way to assimilate and put to use the systems and strategies of beach volleyball. They also teach you just how well you’ve mastered the biomechanics because without them you will not be able to effectively run the systems and strategies. Tournaments are tracked through the various organizations websites; CBVA-Junior Point System and VolleyballLife-Player Profile.
- Level 1 – 5 Tournaments
- Level 2 – 15 Tournaments
- Level 3 – 25 Tournaments
- Level 4 – 35 Tournaments
Ring 3: CBVA Rating
Earning a CBVA rating is a valued marker of your success. Unlike the youth tournaments, these tournaments are for women of all age groups, and players are ranked by their rating not their points per age division. Click for more info on the CBVA – Rating System.
- Level 1 – B Rating
- Level 2 – A Rating
- Level 3 – AA Rating
- Level 4 – AAA Rating
Ring 4: Player Efficiency
We’ve deduced the complexity of statistics into one simple number. Likened to a baseball pitchers ERA, the PE tells the story of a players ability to earn points. Your PE is tracked on Teamsnap under Tracked Items.
- Level 1 – 0%
- Level 2 – 5%
- Level 3 – 15%
- Level 4 – 30%
He’s been right with me through my college recruiting, tough losses, good wins, and break-through moments. I remember at my very first practice, Chris put us through a workout so hard that I thought I was going to have to quit the club. I grew to really appreciate the workouts though, especially the challenging “weekend warrior workouts” we did, because they improved my athleticism and overall fitness.
I started beach volleyball with Chris as my coach at age 12 and he taught me the game making me the player I am today, but also so much more. I have learned so much from Chris as my coach, trainer, and yoga instructor. His wisdom is something that has impacted my life for the better. Chris’ emphasis on fitness, yoga, health/nutrition, and spirituality is something that is one of a kind and you won’t find anywhere else.
Chris places an emphasis on the biomechanics of beach volleyball, which appealed to my analytical nature; however, he also took a holistic approach to the sport that pushed me to grow outside of my comfort zone. From yoga and meditation to vision boards and nutrition talks, Chris cared about molding each person into an all around better version of themselves. His passion for life and the game of volleyball are infectious